Monday, September 7, 2009

Open Warfare

The Open Beta has begun, albeit around an hour late. If you were having lag problems in CB6, it looks like you'll still have to weather them. Lowerping fixes the lag and is free for the open beta weekend -- I had around 240 ping.

... had. Maybe part of the intarwebs have died, perhaps the servers are just struggling... whatever the case, currently the game is lagging to the point of unplayablenocity. I am unsure whether this is a universal problem, but it seems like it at least affects all oceanics. Massive spikes and rubberbanding, 2000+ pings, random disconnections. The community folks relayed the message "we're working on it", before retiring for the night.

Meanwhile, the americans are going nuts about their unacceptable 50-200 ping. Some are threatening class action lawsuits. Others are threatening to cancel their preorders. It seems that a lot of people don't understand what a beta is, or how big the launch of an MMO is... but that's just fuel for people like me who drink in their sweet, newbie tears.

I'm currently playing a Cleric... well, I was. Tekken played an influence on his design. Heihachi in his early hippy years?

Lewin attempts to stare down a "westernified" sparky


  1. *sigh* I got weak and rerolled Sorcerer :P

  2. Nah, us Americans weren't bitching about 200 pings, I had friends last night that were having pings of 10,000 and higher. It seemed like after they'd taken the servers offline in the afternoon is when the lag started getting really bad. Such is the way with beta tests though, I would rather they have these problems now and get them fixed than on release day!

  3. There was a good thread signed by a few west coast folks who threatened to sue if they had any more than 50 ping on release day. xD

  4. I'm Oceanic and for the most part the lag was understand but then I died because my character stood idle while I was mauled to death be a local monster. D:
    Hopefully these are all just wrinkles that need ironing out before the full release, either way I'm sticking with it.
