Friday, September 4, 2009

Gladiator: How to Weave

To maximise gladiator PvE dps, you must weave your attacks.

Your "white" (autoattack) damage happens the instant your character starts the attack animation. It shows in the combat log instantly, but NOT on your main screen until part way into the animation. Any abilities reset your autoattack. It is thus beneficial to do your special abilities the instant your autoattacks register in the combat log.

To weave, wait for the autoattack, then immediately use a special ability (or two, depending on rotation). Wait for the next autoattack, then immediately use your next ability, etc. You can drag your combat log window away from your main chat window to make it easier, at least to start with -- it will eventually become second nature and you will be able to time your abilities without any need for such a guide.

If you don't weave then you are interrupting your autoattacks mid-way with your abilities, nerfing your damage considerably... far more than the slight reduction from pausing your abilities.

Note that this should only be used for PvE. If you wait around for autoattacks in PvP, you risk being stunned and losing your chains. In addition, weaving is sustained DPS; for PvP, you often want burst damage. That said if you are fighting a sustained battle, or a class that doesn't interrupt or heal much, feel free to weave abilities in.

1 comment:

  1. around level 30 you will have so many skills that by the time you've used all of them some would be off CD for you to use again.

    So its no recommended to weave auto attacks thereafter
