Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Mau Time - Welcome to Ranger

Two of my co-authors have started pushing their columns lately, and since FB originally started as a Ranger-centric blog, it's about time I posted Ranger-centric stuff.

I'm still learning the class myself along the way, and hopefully the things I found out so far will help some of you. So today, I will begin by addressing some general Ranger concerns that I've found while playing the game.

The best thing about being a Ranger - I get to be a dog in cutscenes.

The auto shoot problem
A problem which has apparently been in the game since its Korean release nearly a year ago, and I personally don't see any hope of them changing it. It's the kind of situation where you get told "if you don't like it, reroll". If you've played a Ranger past level 10, you will know what problem I am talking about.

Whenever we open combat with a special ability, auto shoot will not come back on. There is a simple solution to this - simply put the Attack/Chat button on your hotbars. I know, this kind of defeats the purpose of it being an "auto attack", but with no hope of a fix on the horizon, you're best better off putting that button there and getting used to it.

Traps need reagents
Entry level traps need Tripeed Seeds, and the higher level ones need Tripeed Fruit. As you level up, they start requiring more than one, so your best bet is to keep a stock of more than 1o on you at all times. Traps may not seem very useful at first, but once you get Snare Trap and Aerial Shot at 31, you'll want to keep them seeds handy, especially if you're PvPing. Gladiators, Sorcerors and Assassins also get some kind of aether hold ability around that level as well, so if you run around with any of those classes, be sure to keep Aerial Shot handy.

Tripeed Seeds and Fruit can be bought from most General goods stores, under the Job Supplies tab. I've noticed not all General stores have the Job supplies at 10 to 20, but at 20 and up all the General vendors have them. You can also purchase the Worg souls from this tab.

In that same vein, also please remember to always stock up on ammo.

Mana consumption
You don't have to worry about mana at all from 10 to 25, but once you get Stunning Shot's chain ability, Rupture Arrow, you're gonna start noticing your mana draining. Throw in having to keep your self-buffs up, especially in group areas and instances, and you're gonna have to need mana breaks almost as often as a healer.

This is why you always need to be stocked up on Odella Powder for Mana Treatment. Mana Treatment requires two Odella Powder, so always be sure to buy it in bulk. As with ammo and the Tripeed Seeds, Odella can be bought from any General goods vendor.

That's all I got for you folks today, hope that was vaguely helpful. Unfortunately I don't have a pretty picture to use with the post, as I am posting from Lewin's dinky old laptop.

Next up: Self-buffs and when to use them


  1. I just started rolling a sorc not too long ago, and I just love reading your blog!! Im a fan now, subscribed to your youtube as well and I hope to hear more from your blog/videos.


  2. "In that same vein, also please remember to always stock up on ammo."

    No kidding! I learned that one pretty early. It was REALLY embarrassing to go grouping for Kralls and suddenly realize, "Oh crap, I'm out of arrows!"

    LOL! :)

  3. Oh wow, your laptop really sucks Tora :D
